/ How to pay
/ License
/ Contact the author

1. Welcome to my applications.
2. Agreement.
3. Copyright.
4. License.
5. Granting a license.
6. Software definitions.
7. Dissemination and reproduction.
8. What is forbidden.
9. Restrictions.
10. User rights.
11. Requirements,
12. Information.
13. Registration.
14. Author.
1. Welcome to my applications.
By downloading the file, you became the owner, owner of the application, program, copy or operating system with the name you downloaded from the website.
The author has made every effort to make the application, program, copy or operating system easy to install, easy to use and interesting.
Use of this application, program, copy, or operating system is at your own risk. The creator (author) is not responsible for any damage, material losses caused or resulting by
using that application, program, instance, or operating system.
Before installing, please read the following text, it constitutes the Agreement for the Software.
If you do not accept the provisions of this Agreement, you should refrain from installing, reproducing, distributing or any other use of the Software in whole or in any part.
Downloading an application, program, copy or operating system is in the full version!
Some product operating systems, i.e. Windows or Android, for full effectiveness, may require:
a) Internet connection (which may result in charging by the Internet provider),
b) the current flash version (Marcomedia Flash), it can be downloaded from the website:
b) collecting data and updating, updating data in a given application, program or operating system,
If the licensee disables the consent to such actions in the product settings, the functionality of such software may be disabled.
c) if you cannot open the file in apk format on your smartphone, tablet or computer, you must allow the possibility of installing the application outside the Play
How to do it:
You have to go to: Settings / Security / Unknown sources and click on: Allow installation of applications from unknown
All the author's applications are checked in terms of their functionality and are always checked with anti-virus programs. Installation safety is
Information about the GDPR:
The website is a website (website) for all its visitors, which is run as part of purely personal or domestic activities, not related to the economic or professional activity of the Administrator (the author of the website). Therefore, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) does not apply. The relevant provisions of Art. 2 clause 2 in connection with recital 18 of the GDPR.
2. Arrangement.
The subject matter of the Agreement is an application, program, copy or operating system as defined above, which includes the computer software and / or related optional cd-rom media. By installing, the user agrees to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to be bound by the Agreement, you may not install or use this application, program, copy, or operating system. This License Agreement does not grant you any rights in relation to marks, logos, design, etc.
Software license agreement.
Definitions of terms:
Agreement - this License Agreement.
Producer - Author: www.conexant.eu, email:
mobile phone.: +48 537275663
Licensee - a person receiving the software.
Software License Agreement.
Important - read before copying, installing, or using.
Do not use or load this software and any related materials (collectively "the Software") until you have carefully read the terms and conditions that follow. By downloading or using the Software, you agree to the terms of this
Agreement. If you do not accept the following terms, do not install or use the
You should also pay attention to the following:
a) The author only produces software (software called applications, program, copy or operating system - product) that is used for his own use.
The author enables auto promotions (photos, galleries, music, clips, video clips, films, photo reports, etc.) and is not burdened with contracts, permits and copyright licenses.
The author of an application, program, copy or operating system may, upon request, remove photos from and / or from that application, program, copy or operating system from his website.
b) The definition of the owner of the computer software is the owner of the application, program, copy or operating system and or other files placed on the author's
(software) website.
The owner of the software (this application, program, copy or operating system) without a password does not entitle to any rights by virtue of the possession of the computer software.
c) Limitation of Liability. In no event is the author responsible for any loss (including but not limited to loss of profits, unplanned business interruption, or loss of
data resulting from the use or inability to use the software, even if the author has been informed of the possibility of such
damages. Some jurisdictions prohibit the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties and for consequential damages, so in some cases
the above limitation may not apply to you. You may also have other rights depending on the laws of some countries.
3. Copyright.
All proprietary and intellectual property rights to this application, program, copy or operating system (including any images, photos, animations, video and audio recordings, music, text) are the property of the author. Any photos, music files (music), video clips and other files used in the author's applications come from websites that allow their use and even for commercial purposes.
The author of the application, program, copy or operating system is protected by the Copyright Law and by international agreements.
The software in this case of this application, program, copy or operating system should be treated like any other copyrighted work, such as a
Contact with the author:
E-mail: info@conexant.eu
Mobile phone.: +48 537275663
Website: www.conexant.eu
4. Licence.
The program is protected by copyright law, provisions of international treaties on copyright, and other laws and international treaties for the protection of intellectual property rights. The program, i.e. in this case referred to as an application, program, copy, product, operating system and or any other files made available on the author's website, is licensed.
The content of this license is the property of the author and the author does not allow copying or processing without any license
The ESD license means that we do not send physical shipments of DVD / CDs, and the game or program is downloaded from the Internet from official
Device - a device for which the manufacturer grants the licensee a license to use the product, and the licensee, by installing or using the product, agrees to all terms and conditions of the agreement.
The product and its copies are the property of the producer (author) and all rights not expressly granted in the contract remain the rights of the producer. The licensee agrees to make all reasonable efforts for auto advertising of the product (software) and author's website and authorized use, advertising, distribution and
5. Granting a license.
This License Agreement grants you the right to install, use, display and install on one computer, smartphone or tablet. Disclaimer: All rights not expressly granted are reserved by the
The licensee may terminate the agreement at any time by completely removing the product installation. The author may terminate the contract due to a material breach of the contract by the licensee. Termination of the contract will not result in a refund of the amount paid for the license (if any).
Any delay or failure on the part of the manufacturer to assert its rights or damages under the contract shall not be deemed a waiver of any future or other attempts by the manufacturer to assert such rights or damages.
Any disputes regarding the rights and obligations related to this agreement will be settled in accordance with the commercial law of the country in which the license was purchased, with the exception of copyright, patent and trademark protection. These in turn will be settled in accordance with Polish law and relevant international treaties and conventions.
The contract is an exclusive and complete agreement between the parties on the matter it relates to and supersedes all previous contracts, agreements and understandings between the parties to the
The licensee has the right to:
a) install and use the product only for your own needs on many devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer) as long as the license purchase conditions presented directly by the manufacturer at a given point of sale (e.g. AppStore) do not allow for a wider scope of use (e.g. on more devices),
b) use the product and its possible updates for a period of time depending on the type of license purchased (this license gives full usability of my applications, programs, operating systems and other files available on my website, which I am the author of).
c) if the product is purchased with a device (OEM license), the licensee has the right to use the product only on that device and may transfer the rights and obligations resulting from the OEM license only with the transfer of ownership of the device.
Any other use of the product is not permitted.
This includes, but is not limited to, the licensee is not entitled to:
a) sell, rent, rent, sublicense, transfer, use time-sharing, in whole or in part, publicly display or provide access to the product to people who do not have a license to use the product (software).
b) decode, decompile, disassemble any software contained in the product, or attempt to break, remove or circumvent software security codes (if any).
c) remove or change the manufacturer's markings or trademarks on the product,
d) copy or make available in any way any part of the data contained in the product, neither in text nor graphical form,
e) use the product for purposes not authorized and prohibited by law in your country,
f) control the operation of the product using external applications (e.g. through the so-called decoding, searching for the source code and other activities aimed at changing the author's software),
6. Software definitions.
Definitions Software means the entire contents of the files, disks, cd roms and other media that are provided with this agreement, including but not limited to: (i)
computer data or software provided by the developer of the application, program, copy or operating system, and digital pictures, photos, drawings, sounds and other artistic works
(multimedia resources), printed or electronic manuals (documentation); and upgrades, modified versions, patches, additions and copies, licensed to the User by the author.
7. Dissemination and reproduction.
After downloading from the website, it is allowed to distribute and reproduce this application, program, copy or operating system in any media.
It is permitted to distribute all my applications, programs, copies or operating systems via the Internet, media, radio, press, television, teletext and other possible means of advertising!
8. What is forbidden.
It is forbidden to:
a) using an application, program, copy or operating system with a different license (not the author's) and modifying the license for the needs of other authors,
b) placing on the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server and website, pages, services, portals in an unpleasant place,
c) sharing my applications, in this case a program, copy or operating system together with password / passwords (if any and they are payable) and sharing them entirely on the website, server, friends, etc.,
It is also forbidden to:
a) copying and recording onto optional media and distributing them without copyright and without contacting the author,
b) creating screenshots and clips and placing on websites without the consent of the author,
c) modifying the installation and / or application, program, copy or operating system,
d) adding any files to it (without the consent of the author),
e) increasing the functionality of the software,
f) adapt,
g) translate,
h) decode,
i) decompile,
j) disassemble,
k) taking any funds or material goods without the author's consent,
It is also forbidden to make any other attempt to discover the source code of the software, except as permitted by the European Directive on Legal Protection of Software of May 14, 1991.
9. Limitations.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble my applications such as a program, instance, or operating system, except where notwithstanding this limitation
such actions are expressly permitted by applicable law and only with the permission of the
10. User rights.
The user has the right to install multiple applications, programs, copies or operating systems on a smartphone, tablet, phone, laptop, computer, desktop computer.
The user has the option to use the software only for the customer's own use without any transfer rights to third parties, related parties or even in the same room.
11. Requirements.
Hardware Requirements:
The author's applications run on Android version 5.0 or higher,
The author's applications (programs, games, animations, presentations, flash presentations, screensavers and others) run on a system higher than Windows 7,
Applications, programs, operating systems run on Linux,
Officially, there are no contraindications and problems in installation and use on versions and systems lower than recommended.
12. Information.
Do you know that:
a) the author's software is in the full and commercial version,
b) you can enjoy the only full version,
c) you can visit the website of the developer of this software to download more similar applications of this type,
d) each application, program, game, screen saver and or any other files or operating systems made by the author is a Polish Product. Made and made in
13. Registration.
As the owner, user of this software, i.e. registered user:
a) you motivate the author to continue working on newer and improved versions, modifications, patches and updates of the software;
b) you can use the author's software for commercial purposes (for example, in the company only after registering the software);
c) you get the opportunity to post information about the authenticity, non-repeatability of the software and auto-promotion on the Internet, in the press, television, and to promote and propose the purchase of software by your friends,
d) you have the right to access technical support via the e-mail address provided on the
How do I register the developer software?
All you need to do is pay any amount to the account number provided on the
website: www.conexant.eu/rejestracja.htm
or make a transfer from Poland:
Account number for payment by bank transfer in PLN (Polish Zloty):
92 1050 1403 1000 0023 0908 0949
or make a transfer from abroad:
Account number for payment by bank transfer in PLN (Polish Zloty):
PL92 1050 1403 1000 0023 0908 0949
14. Author.
The author of the software is here referred to as the manufacturer or author of the
application, product, software.
As the producer and / or author of the software (product), it is understood that he is the creator of such applications as: an application for the Android system, an application for the Windows system, the operating system and other applications that are displayed, shown on his website (on the author's
The author enables, encourages and gives the opportunity to download his software as much as possible and install it on smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops, and encourages the greatest possible promotion of his software and advertising his website, and allows you to distribute all and all his software available on his website using all possible and generally available means of advertising, media, social networking sites, web portals, vortals, websites, information services, websites promoting new operating systems such as ANDROID, WINDOWS, LINUX, radio, television, teletext and other forms of advertising !!!
The author (manufacturer) has made every effort to deliver the current product and ensure its failure-free operation. Nevertheless, the manufacturer, i.e. the author of the applications, programs, operating systems and other files available on his website, transfers the rights to the licensee and the licensee accepts that the product (the author's software) may contain a certain number of errors, bugs, omissions or irregularities. Therefore, the author does not encourage relying solely on the data and functions contained in the software, but encourages you to update it.
The product is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness for a particular
purpose. goals. The data contained in the product is subject to change without notice or update from time to
All files, for example photos used on the website and or in the software, are the property of the author or have been made available on the website for public use and can be used (these photos, music files) for commercial purposes.
The author's software is tested on multiple platforms for every aspect! This applies to its installation, use, settings, changes in settings, possible updates (if available), use and is checked for viruses, Trojans and / or other Internet worms. The software is presented on the author's website in good condition (as new and functional) !!!
If the software is for Android, it is checked and tested on many smartphones, tablets, laptops and computers. It is the same with applications for another platform, such as Windows or Linux.
The author's applications for Android are from version 5.00 upwards and the applications for Windows are for Windows at least Windows 7. On other, lower and lower versions, they can also work and function.
The author of the software shall not be liable for damages arising directly, indirectly, incidentally or as a result of the licensee's use of the product, even if the manufacturer is
informed that there is a possibility of such damages. The author (producer) of the software available on the website is not responsible for any losses, errors, problems, viruses, Trojans, damages and other errors and problems related to the use of the above-mentioned applications (software).
The author provides his software on his website in good quality (like new) !!!
How do I register the developer software?
All you need to do is pay any amount to the account number provided on the
website: www.conexant.eu/rejestracja.htm
or make a transfer from Poland:
Account number for payment by bank transfer in PLN (Polish Zloty):
92 1050 1403 1000 0023 0908 0949
or make a transfer from abroad:
Account number for payment by bank transfer in PLN (Polish Zloty):
PL92 1050 1403 1000 0023 0908 0949
Contact with the author:
E-mail: info@conexant.eu
Mobile phone.: +48 537275663
Website: www.conexant.eu

/ How to pay
/ License
/ Contact the author
